Khantoke Dinner - Tour No.55

A khantoke dinner is an experience you should not miss, if you enjoy traditional dance, music, and cuisine. The Old Chiang Mai Cultural Center is one of the city’s premier destinations for khantoke.

The menu includes pork curry, pork tomato chili paste, fried chicken, fried pork skins, fresh and boiled vegetables, crispy rice noodles, fried banana, chicken soup, sticky rice and steamed rice, seasonal fruits, tea, and coffee.

About halfway through your meal, a classical orchestra will begin to accompany troupes of dancers in gorgeous costumes, or occasionally a solo dancer, as they perform the graceful movements of ai classical dance for your pleasure. these are absolutely authentic northern ai dances, distinct from dances performed in Bangkok and Ayuthaya.

They are rooted in the region’s history, culture, and way of life.

Nightly from 7.00pm -  9.40pm

Cost 690 baht per person


Contact us to book

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Night Safari - Tour No.54

The Night Safari is located near Doi Suthep–Pui National Park on about 131 hectares. the park is laid out in three zones, one for walking and two for tram rides; there is also a musical fountain.

The Jaguar Trail Zone, for walking, passes around the beautiful Swan Lake; it is home to more than 400 small animals of over 50 species. is opportunity can be enjoyed by all ages as a relaxing introduction to animal conservation.

In the Savannah Safari Zone, visitors travel by tram through a distinct environment.

Wildlife includes serows, gorals, red kangaroos, white rhinos, striped hyenas, cheetahs, wildebeests, guars, girafes, and yaks.

The Predator Prowl Zone tram ride offers a hair-raising experience as visitors come into close proximity to lions, black bears, jackals, pumas, hyenas, crocodiles, vultures, Malaysian sun bears, and wolves

Tours leave daily form 6.00-6.30pm

Tour includes transportation and entrance fees

Cost 1000 baht per person


Contact us to book

Mobile (+66) 089 555 2810. Whats App (+66) 089 555 2810

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Tiger Kingdom - Tour No.56

One of Chiang Mai’s most popular destinations, Tiger Kingdom is an easy taxi ride from the center of the city.

The price of admission includes “quality time” with a tiger cub (2 to 5 months), adolescent (6 to 9 months), or adult (10 to 20 months), during which you can sit in the enclosure and play with your tiger.

You can bring a camera and take your own photos, or hire the services of the in-house photographer.

The best time to visit the tigers is anytime from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  There is a restaurant on the premises from which you can view the tigers.

Cost for transportation only from 350 baht per person


Contact us to book

Mobile (+66) 089 555 2810. Whats App (+66) 089 555 2810

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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